Wonderful! That mountain is otherworldly, as is a lot of the scenery near there. One of our favorite pics is of my wife at the Tropico de Capricornio highway sign.

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Such extraordinary sights. Translated into dollars, what was the price of your meal?

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What beautiful views!

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Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures. I have a friend from Jujuy visiting this weekend. I'm going to show him your pictures to remind him of his home.

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Wonderful, John!

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So if my conversion is correct, the cost of entry was around $2, is that correct? You definately got you moneys worth at the Mountain of 14 Colors. Sort of reminds me of the Badlands of South Dakota, just more colors.

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Yes! We sure did. ;)

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How exciting and uplifting to visit such height with the 14 colours mountains and their formations!!! What an extaordinary world with beautiful and precious vicunas ! The pictures and your tales transport your reader, thank you very much for sharing this exceptional world!

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